Newsletter #2: I am giving away consulting advice for Azure

With the recent pandemic, and many changes to organizations, workforces, and projects, we see an ever-increasing demand for moving things to the cloud. I see a growing trend in questions and requests for advice around Azure, specifically.

Today I am announcing that I'll help you answer your current Azure questions, gratis, and you'll get my professional advice directly to your inbox - as in the days of my principal consulting work.

This offer stands for every subscriber to my newsletter.

I am hoping on a lot of engagement, and therefore I would recommend that you only submit one question if you want it answered.

Pro tip: If you want more questions answered, have a colleague sign up and submit another question, too. I would appreciate if you send this to colleagues and friends too, to let them ask their questions as well!

Here's how it works.

  1. Send me an e-mail with your question.
    Reply to any e-mail from the newsletter; for example this e-mail. I will get it directly to my inbox.
  2. Review-and-reply time.
    I will review the questions, and answer each e-mail in the order they arrive. Keep in mind the upcoming vacation season. Depending on when the e-mail lands in my inbox, you might have to expect delays.
  3. Scaling the advice.
    Unless you opt-out, I can use the sanitized and anonymized version of your question and publish my answer in the blog as a Q&A for more people to benefit from.

Housekeeping rules.

  • This campaign is limited. Send your e-mail at the latest by the end of July 2020.
  • Preferably use your business e-mail. This helps me take questions more seriously.
  • Your privacy is protected. Your e-mail, name or company name will never reach anyone else than me personally.
  • Please don't send a full document with project requirements, and please don't copy-paste a list of requirements straight off the bad.
  • The intention here is to ask any question you have about Azure freely; I will do my best to help you on a professional capacity.
  • Don't send a batch of questions. Instead, think about it and then send the one inquiry you want. Remember, this is a free offering, not a guarantee of getting all your questions answered.

Examples of questions:

  • We're moving to the cloud. We have XYZ. What's our best option for moving forward with the project in Azure?
  • We have monolith applications built in .NET; We want to re-design this into a microservice architecture and run it in the cloud - where do we start?
  • We feel we're on top of the game in a lot of areas already, but a second pair of eyes for doing a subscription security audits, or security code analysis would help us - how do we get things started in this area?
  • I need to handle XYZ tasks. What's the best option in Azure?
  • We have XYZ already; What can we do to start optimizing costs?

I will not put a scope on the question topics; reply to this e-mail with your current problems and challenges and I'll do my best to help.

Thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to engaging with your challenges!