Collab365 Solutions Days: My session about SPCAF and SharePoint & Office 365 Transformation Guidance
If you missed my session on the Collab365 Solutions Days the other day, you can find it on-demand on their website now.
SharePoint & Office 365 Code Quality Analysis & Transformation Guidance
This session is split in two phases. The first half is discussing the benefits of using SPCAF for your SharePoint customizations, highlighting what the tool can do for you and your organization.
The most interesting part of the session though, is the last half where I disclose the Transformation Guidance tool which we are going to offer soon, and which is in a private beta at the moment.
SharePoint Transformation Guidance?
Yes! I'm extremely excited to talk about the transformation guidance tool we're offering, and this presentation is the very first glimpse to the outside. It peaked a lot of interest, and I've been receiving e-mails and skype messages about how to learn more about it. This makes us at Rencore extremely proud, as it will be a key tool in your way to transform code from Full-Trust (WSP) into the Add-in model (CSOM, REST, PowerShell, JavaScript/JSOM, PnP Provisioning etc. etc.)
Sign up for the private beta!
We are accepting and approving a few beta testers into our private beta testing program. In order to sign up and get a chance to get approved, head over to the Transformator Beta Signup site.
Watch the Session!
Psst, if you want to jump straight to the transformation guidance bit, click here: https://youtu.be/wv3QeZQk0Ho?t=1724
Tobias Zimmergren.
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