Getting Started with BYOK in Azure Storage - Encrypt data at rest with your own encryption keys
Many people are using the offerings in Microsoft Azure and hold their data in some type of storage containers. In Azure, this can come in the form of an Azure Storage Account, which this article is focusing on.
I'll discuss and walk through how to BYOK (Bring Your Own Keys) to your Azure Storage Accounts, and use a Key Vault to point to the encryption keys that you own yourself.
Link tip: Bring Your Own Encryption (Wikipedia)
Link tip: Pricing and Restrictions for BYOK in Azure (Microsoft Docs)
Link tip: Hardware Encryption vs. Software Encryption: The Simple Guide - Sam Wiltshire, ontrack.com
Just here for troubleshooting? See these sections:
- Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'
- Hardware key operation not allowed on standard vault
- The operation failed because of permission issue on the keyvault. Please set get,wrapkey and unwrapkey permission on the keyvault for account identity
1. Why do you want BYOK in Azure Storage Accounts?
There are many ideas and reasons why any organization would be interested in bringing their own keys. In general, these are some of my main reasons:
- Audit encryption key usage
- Azure Key Vault can help generate and manage your keys
- You can optionally create your own keys entirely offline instead, and bring them into the cloud if you don't want to use Azure Key Vault or for some reason trust your own key generation more than the built-in offerings
- Rotate keys whenever you want
- Define more granular access to resources
- Disable keys whenever you want
A note about service encryption capabilities.
According to the Azure Data Encryption-at-Rest, there's no support for BYOK forTable
services. Azure Storage Account have support for customer-managed encryption-at-rest for the File, Block/Page Blobs types only.

2. Create and configure Azure Key Vault for hosting our Keys
To host our own keys, or generate them with using top-notch security standards in the cloud, we can use Azure Key Vault. If we decide to use Key Vault to manage and protect our keys, we have to configure it accordingly. The following section will guide you through how to configure these pre-requisites, and then we'll be ready to configure out Storage Account after that.
2.1. Create a new Key Vault, with Soft-Delete and Purge Protection enabled
One feature of the Azure Key Vault is the soft-delete
feature, which allows you to recover deleted vaults and contents. For example, if you accidentally, or not, delete a key or secret, you can then recover them again.
Another feature we should enable is purge protection
, which enables a retention period of 90 days until items that are deleted are actually purged.
Link tip: Azure Key Vault soft-delete overview (Microsoft Docs)
Using the Azure CLI we want to create a new Azure Key Vault, and also enable both soft-delete
and purge-protection
, which we can easily do by passing in two arguments to the CLI:
For soft delete, you pass in --enable-soft-delete true
and, for Purge Protection, you pass in --enable-purge-protection true
Create your Azure Key Vault like this:
az keyvault create -n byokvaultdemo -g byokdemo --location westeurope --enable-soft-delete true --enable-purge-protection true --sku premium
Verify that the vault has been created, and also query to check the properties for Soft-Delete and Purge Protection are correctly set:
az keyvault list -g byokdemo -o table --query [].{Name:name,ResourceGroup:resourceGroup,PurgeProtection:properties.enablePurgeProtection,SoftDelete:properties.enableSoftDelete}
Name ResourceGroup PurgeProtection SoftDelete
------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------
byokvaultdemo byokdemo True True
It looks like we're on track. We have our vault; it's in the correct Resource Group and the Soft Delete and Purge Protection properties are both set to true.
2.2 Generate Your Own Keys in the Azure Key Vault
In Azure Key Vault, there's a section called keys
, which contains a list of any keys you have either Generated or Imported.
There's an option to use service-managed keys (which Azure Storage Accounts have support for), and there's another option for customer-managed keys where the keys are stores on-premises with the customer. The latter is not possible in the Azure Storage Accounts, but available in other offerings like SQL Server and Disk Encryption. Hence, this article focuses on the service-managed keys (through Key Vault).
We will generate a strong and secure key using the Key Vault key generation feature, which is a top-notch security forte.
A key consists of a few different properties that are important to specify when we generate it. Below are some of the parameters we'll set when we create it. For a full list, please see the CLI documentation for az keyvault keys create.
: name of the key--vault-name
: name of the key vault where the keys should be created--kty
: type of keys to create.--ops
: Permitted operations for this key--protection
: Type of protection (HSM or software)
This is an example of how I generate my RSA
key with permissions to encrypt, decrypt, wrapKey, unwrapKey, sign and verify
, using hsm
protection and a key size in bits of 2048
az keyvault key create -n byokstoragekey1 --vault-name byokvault --kty RSA --ops encrypt decrypt wrapKey unwrapKey sign verify --protection hsm --size 2048
The results should be that you now can list your new key, using the az keyvault key list
command as such:
az keyvault key list --vault-name byokvaultdemo -o table
Note: The required key size for using this key with the Encryption and BYOK in an Azure Storage account is 2048. You cannot use a bigger or smaller key.
3. Configure Azure Storage Account to use your Keys
Now we've completed the first few tasks, namely to create our Key Vault and generated our new key(s). Next steps are to create a Storage Account and configure it accordingly, to properly be able to access the keys in the vault.
3.1. Create a new Storage Account with the required parameters
(You can also update an existing one, but I'm doing this ground up).
To properly enable our Storage Account to work with BYOK, we need to assign an identity to it. We can do this using the --assign-identity
Reading the official Microsoft documentation for the Azure storage account create command, it gives us a bit of insight what this flag does:
Generate and assign a new Storage Account Identity for this storage account for use with key management services like Azure KeyVault.
- Microsoft Docs: az storage account create
Here's how to create the Storage Account, including the new identity associated with it:
az storage account create -n byokdemo123 -g byokdemo --https-only true --encryption-services table queue blob file --assign-identity
3.2 Give your Storage Account access to the Key Vault
For the Storage Account to be able to work with the Keys we have in our Key Vault; we need to grant permissions for the Storage Account into the vault.
See the identity of the Azure Storage Account:
az storage account show -g byokdemo -n byokdemo123 --query identity.principalId
Next, we have to assign this identity access to the vault. Grab the output from the previous command, which is the ObjectId of the Storage Account, and pass to this command:
az keyvault set-policy -n byokvaultdemo --object-id feb54393-9043-4acb-8d26-8328d8c92ca5 --key-permissions get wrapkey unwrapkey
Create or Update your Azure Storage Account to use your new keys from your Key Vault:
az storage account update -g byokdemo -n byokdemo123 --encryption-key-name byokstoragekey1 --encryption-key-source Microsoft.KeyVault --encryption-key-vault https://byokvaultdemo.vault.azure.net --encryption-key-version 4793fa99dd3a428fa6b47123130f06a7 --encryption-services blob file queue table
With that, you should get the json output of the command, which should contain this section:
"encryption": {
"keySource": "Microsoft.Keyvault",
"keyVaultProperties": {
"keyName": "byokstoragekey1",
"keyVaultUri": "https://byokvaultdemo.vault.azure.net",
"keyVersion": "4793fa99dd3a428fa6b47123130f06a7"
"services": {
"blob": {
"enabled": true,
"lastEnabledTime": "2018-10-13T18:31:36.001718+00:00"
"file": {
"enabled": true,
"lastEnabledTime": "2018-10-13T18:31:36.001718+00:00"
"queue": null,
"table": null
Success. The Azure Storage Account is now pointing its encryption service to our own key, hosted inside of an Azure Key Vault.
Important consideration:
In the results, you'll also see that bothqueue
is null. This is because it's currently not supported with BYOK/customer-managed keys for these services as I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Files and Blobs are now protected by our own keys while Queue and Table are protected using the built-in generated keys by the service, as per default.
Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'
If you encounter the Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'
message when trying to do operations toward your new Key Vault, it could be because you need to add a policy for yourself. To do this for your user account, run this command:
az keyvault set-policy -n byokvaultdemo --key-permissions backup create decrypt delete encrypt get import list purge recover restore sign unwrapKey update verify wrapKey --upn your@username.com
The --upn
parameter from the command should point to the user that is trying to execute the commands.
Hardware key operation not allowed on standard vault
If you encounter the Hardware key operation not allowed on standard vault
message when you try to create keys, it's because your Key Vault is on the Standard
tier instead of the Premium
The solution is to either create a Premium vault from the beginning or upgrade the one you have to the Premium plan.
Unfortunately there's no direct command in the CLI for it; however, we can update properties using the set
command. I figured out how to set the SKU to Premium using this, which was fairly simple:
az keyvault update -n byokvaultdemo -g byokdemo --set properties.sku.name=premium
Done! Now you've got an Azure Key Vault on the Premium SKU, and the error message should be gone next time you retry the same operation that gave the error in the first place.
The operation failed because of permission issue on the keyvault. Please set get,wrapkey and unwrapkey permission on the keyvault for account identity
If you encounter the The operation failed because of permission issue on the keyvault. Please set get,wrapkey and unwrapkey permission on the keyvault for account identity
message, it's likely due to Azure Key Vault not having the appropriate permissions to access the Azure Storage Account you have.
The solution here is pretty straight-forward, and we have to give permissions to the Storage Account Identity (remember earlier in this article where we discussed assigning an identity for our Storage Account?).
We need to give the required Key permissions, get
, wrapkey
, and unwrapkey
, to the Azure Storage Account identity.
See section 3.2 Give your Storage Account access to the Key Vault to learn how to get the identity for the Storage Account, and how to assign the permissions.
In this article, we've explored how to use customer-managed keys for encryption-at-rest with Azure Storage Accounts.
Further reading on securing Azure Storage Accounts can be found here in my previous articles:
- Secure your Azure Storage Accounts with restrictions based on public IP addresses
- Secure your data in Azure Storage Accounts using RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
While there's a lot more to security than what we just walked through, it hopefully gives insights into how to practically get started with it and some of the benefits it can bring.
Don't forget. There's always a need for more security around your code, deployments, infrastructure, and data. No resource in the cloud or on-premises should have security as a second thought.
Security first, then comes the rest. Unless you disagree?
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