Microsoft releases the Office 365 roadmap - and keeps it up to date
In recent discussions with clients regarding feature availability in Office 365, it became apparent that we ("we" meaning customers with a subscription in Office 365) lacked a public roadmap for features being incorporated into the plan for future releases of the services.
It is with great pleasure I’ve learnt that Microsoft has finally created an Office 365 roadmap which will be updated as new features gets scoped for development and roll-out.
Roadmap overview
As quoted from the Microsoft Office 365 roadmap site:
The Office 365 for business roadmap lists updates that are currently planned for applicable subscribers. Updates are at various stages from being in development to rolling-out to customers to being generally available for applicable customers world-wide. Expand an update to learn more about it and click the learn more link to read more details
So, in the roadmap we can find information about updates that are launched, rolling out, in development or cancelled. You may also see if there’s any previous releases.
If you visit the site you’ll get an awesome overview with the current progress of ongoing updates:
This is a sign that Microsoft really gets it. During the past few years we’ve continuously asked Microsoft to provide information on the roadmap for their future products. In my case I’ve requested information to share with my customers about SharePoint so we can plan our projects properly – sometimes we got some information out of them, sometimes we did not.
With this public roadmap, we can simply point everyone to this web site and they can see for themselves what’s coming.
I really do hope that this site will be properly maintained and new features and updates will be published accordingly.
Kudos Microsoft, keep it up!
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