Microsoft Office 2016 reaches Public Preview for Home/Consumer and Enterprise

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
💡🤖TIP: Check out the guidance for AI adoption on Azure!

Office 2016 has been in a variety of previews and today Microsoft announced that it will be available as a public preview.

This means you can go ahead and download it and start using it right away. The latest release of Office 2016 is pretty stable on my machines, whereas the previous previews were a bit more shaky.

Outlook 2016

Question: where do I get it?

Great question, and here’s the answer.

You can get Office 2016 here:

You can choose from:

  • Office 2016 for Home
  • Office 2016 for Enterprise

Question: is it worth installing Office 2016?

Short answer: YES!

I’m using it without any known issues at all at the moment. Obviously, since it’s a preview you should always think twice before bashing down this on your own workstation. For me though, it’s no question about it – it’s a solid preview.

More information in the Office blog:



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