Zimmergren MOSS 2007 Tip #3: Publishing and displaying an InfoPath form in the browser

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

In this little tip I’m creating a Sample InfoPath form to be published to my Forms Library on my site and then opened within the browser when you want to edit/update the form.

This is a sampleform from InfoPath:

Bring up the Design Checker (Tools – Design Checker), make sure you don’t have any errors. Then click the "Change Compatability Settings…" link to get the following dialog:
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Make sure the "Design a form template that can be opened in a browser or InfoPath"-checkbox is checked, and enter the URL of your server with InfoPath Forms Services in the URL-field.

Next, you will Publish the form.
Choose "File" -> "Publish" and follow these steps:
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Make sure you enter the site where you want to publish the form (you will create a Form Library in following steps)
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Just make sure the checkbox "Enable this form to be filled out by using a browser" is checked, and choose "Document Library" and click next.
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Choose to "Create a new document library" in order to create a new library to host the forms
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Enter a name, and click next again..
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Add the columns that should be availible in the SharePoint sites and Outlook folders (as the text says in the dialog):
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Just make sure the information in the next dialog is correct, then choose Publish to get your form published to your new Forms library!
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Now the last thing you need to do is to go to the Form Library you just created, choose Settings -> Form Library Settings -> Advanced Settings and make sure you change the Browser-enabled Documents-setting to "Display as a Web page" in order to bring up the InfoPath form in your browser for editing (Not everyone have InfoPath installed on their machines)

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That’s all you need to do! You now have a form that can be edited in the browser.
Next step is usually to connect a workflow to this library, so when a new form is filled out it will be sent to someone for approval or what not. Piece of cake with the built-in workflows. (Or developing one yourself in VS 2005/SPD)

I hope this enlightened someone.

Cheers, and happy eastern!


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