Episode 029 - What is Azure Web Application Firewall?
💡TIP: See how to develop a cloud adoption strategy on Azure!
In this episode, we take a look at Web Application Firewall, or WAF. We've previously discussed about Azure CDN (Episode 023) and remote access (Episode 009) so now it was a good time to focus on WAF itself. We also reminisce a little bit about the past when installing a firewall meant spending nights configuring routing and networks and access rules. Pricing for WAF is also curiously complex, so our take on that is also included. In the end, we have a small raffle announced, so stay tuned until the end!
Show notes
- About Application Gateways (Microsoft)
- Manager web traffic with an application gateway using Azure PowerShell (Microsoft)
- Autoscaling and zone-redundant AG V2 (Microsoft)
- Building a .NET Core API, host it in Azure Container Instances from a private Container Registry and enable HTTPS using Application Gateway (Tobi & Jussi)
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