Automating SharePoint Development - Iterative Development Process Paid Members Public
When dealing with SharePoint development, there’s tons of things to consider. There’s the aspects of code quality, aspects of proficient testing taking place and of course having a reliable process to re-do and fix anything that comes up along the way. Most importantly in my opinion is to

Preparing for upgrade to SharePoint 2013 - Iterative Upgrade Process Paid Members Public
Every cycle of SharePoint [http://sharepoint.microsoft.com] comes with challenges around upgrades and migrations. In one of my current projects I’ve been part of designing an iterative upgrade process – as I like to call it – which means we’ll be upgrading our Farm (all content databases) from SharePoint

Tip: Work Management Service Application keeps telling us "Last updated at 1/1/1901 12:00 AM" fixes Paid Members Public
Recently while working with the Work Management Service Application in some of our environments, we got the common problem of not receiving any actual tasks on our My Sites. Instead, we saw this message: Last updated at 1/1/1901 12:00 AM Now, throw a google query and you’
FindBestContentDatabaseForSiteCreation() problem after upgrading to SharePoint 2013 - Solution Paid Members Public
In one of the projects I’m currently involved, we’re in the process of upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. One of the problems we faced were the fact that we had some orphaned content databases in our production environments, but the problem didn’t surface in SharePoint

SP 2013: Extending the SuiteBarDelegateControl by adding the Title Breadcrumb control Paid Members Public
Author: Tobias Zimmergren [https://zimmergren.net/] http://www.zimmergren.net [https://zimmergren.net/] | http://www.tozit.com [http://www.tozit.com/] | @zimmergren [http://www.twitter.com/zimmergren] Introduction In one of my previous articles where we investigated some of the new and awesome delegate controls in SharePoint 2013 [http://tz.

SP 2013: Getting started with the new Geolocation field in SharePoint 2013 Paid Members Public
SharePoint 2013 comes with tons of enhancements and modifications to previous versions of the product. One of the cool features I’ve played around with lately is the Geolocation field. Back in 2010 I wrote a custom-coded solution for displaying location information in our SharePoint lists, integrating some fancy-pants Google

Upgrading your SharePoint 2010 Visual Studio projects and solutions to SharePoint 2013 Paid Members Public
Author: Tobias Zimmergren [https://zimmergren.net/] http://www.zimmergren.net [https://zimmergren.net/] | http://www.tozit.com [http://www.tozit.com/] | @zimmergren [http://www.twitter.com/zimmergren] Introduction Recently someone asked me about how to attack the major pain of upgrading their custom coded projects and solution from SharePoint 2010
SP 2013: Duplicate field name was found after upgrading your SharePoint 2010 solutions to SharePoint 2013 Paid Members Public
Okay so this will be a pretty short one, but hopefully help some folks that are upgrading their solutions from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. While developing fields, content types and the likes in SharePoint 2010, there’s always a few good rules and practices to follow. A good rule
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