Azure Resource Manager
Posts about Azure Resource Manager. In the Azure Portal, ARM templates, working with the SDKs, and more.

Use the Resource Explorer from the Azure Portal Paid Members Public
I explained how to use the Azure Resource Explorer in a previous post []. Six years have passed since that, and I would like to revisit this with an update to the Resource Explorer. This post is a reminder of a great tool, giving your access to

Visualize your templates with the Azure ARM Template Viewer extension for VS Code Paid Members Public
Recently, Ben Coleman [] at Microsoft announced the ARM Template Viewer [] extension for Visual Studio Code, which can easily visualize your Azure Resource Manager templates directly from within VS Code. Three years ago, I wrote about Azure Resource Manager

Azure Resource Manager Template Visualisation with ARMVIZ Paid Members Public
Here's another quick tip for those of you, like me, working with the Azure Resource Manager in various ways. If you're designing templates, there's a pretty slick template visualization tool available called ARMVIZ []. Edit and Visualize your ARM templates It'

Azure Resource Manager tools for Visual Studio Code Paid Members Public
Tip of the day... If you're the Visual Studio Code kind of person, and you design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates for your Azure infrastructure, this extension might come in handy. The Azure Resource Manager Tools [] extension for Visual Studio

Azure Resource Manager - Part 8 - Export Template for Resources in a Resource Group with the REST API Paid Members Public
This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell

Azure Resource Manager - Part 7 - Download an Azure Publishing Profile (xml) programmatically using REST Paid Members Public
This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell

Azure Resource Manager - Part 6 - Move Azure Resources from one Resource Group to another Paid Members Public
This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell

Developing with Azure Resource Manager - Part 5 - Tip: Get all available api-version alternatives for the ARM endpoints Paid Members Public
* Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell cmdlets [
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