Collab365 Solutions Days: My session about SPCAF and SharePoint & Office 365 Transformation Guidance Members Public

If you missed my session on the Collab365 Solutions Days the other day, you can find it on-demand on their website now. [http://collab365.events/collab365-solutions-days/february-solutions-day-details/] SharePoint & Office 365 Code Quality Analysis & Transformation Guidance This session is split in two phases. The first half is discussing the

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Integrate SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) in your TeamCity build configurations–Improving your SharePoint and Office 365 ALM Members Public

Previously I’ve written an article about “Automating SharePoint Development – Iterative Development Process [https://zimmergren.net/business/automating-sharepoint-development-iterative-development-process] ” which is essentially just scraping the surface of ALM in SharePoint. In that article I mention the use of SPCAF [http://tz.nu/spcafext] as a code quality tool for SharePoint. Since

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
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