
Understanding Azure Policies with Visual Studio Code Paid Members Public
I did not know about this extension until recently. It is currently in preview, and it is supposed to simplify authoring of policies by enabling alias property look-up inline with the resource or policy definition. I like the idea of drafting policies in Visual Studio Code, especially now that I

Visualize your templates with the Azure ARM Template Viewer extension for VS Code Paid Members Public
Recently, Ben Coleman [https://twitter.com/BenCodeGeek] at Microsoft announced the ARM Template Viewer [https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bencoleman.armview] extension for Visual Studio Code, which can easily visualize your Azure Resource Manager templates directly from within VS Code. Three years ago, I wrote about Azure Resource Manager

Tip: Docker Extension for VSCode Paid Members Public
I've been spending a lot of time with .NET Core, Docker, a plenitude of Azure services, various cloud systems and API's. The common denominator of all my projects of late, is that they're all touching Docker in one way or the other. With Docker
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