Solving ASP.NET Core running on Azure App Service causing 500.30 ANCM In-Process Start Failure Paid Members Public
Recently I attempted to re-deploy and replicate some of the infrastructure I have running and deploy the same version of the source to a new Slot in an Azure App Service. I hit the error message below: Azure App Service presenting the 500.30 error message on ASP.NET Core

I am giving away consulting advice for Azure Paid Members Public
With the recent pandemic, and many changes to organizations, workforces, and projects, we see an ever-increasing demand for moving things to the cloud. I see a growing trend in questions and requests for advice around Azure, specifically. Today I am announcing that I'll help you answer your current

Understanding Azure Policies with Visual Studio Code Paid Members Public
I did not know about this extension until recently. It is currently in preview, and it is supposed to simplify authoring of policies by enabling alias property look-up inline with the resource or policy definition. I like the idea of drafting policies in Visual Studio Code, especially now that I

Running .NET 5 on Azure App Services Paid Members Public
I recently had a few discussions about some heavily-loaded Blazor apps I've built. They are all running on .NET Core 3.1, but I am attempting to get them up to .NET 5 (Preview). In these discussions, it came up that it wasn't at the time

Installing .NET 5 using winget, the Windows Package Manager Paid Members Public
See how to use the Windows Package Manager, winget, to download and install .NET 5.

Configuring Publisher Verification in Azure Active Directory Paid Members Public
Learn what the publisher verification status is, and how to set it up in your organization. Azure AD comes with Consent Policies, enabling your organizations to only trust verified publishers. Users will then only be able to consent to applications that are verified.

Using Azure Application Change Analysis to discover configuration changes in Azure services Paid Members Public
Have you ever wondered why a service or asset stopped working, or what could have caused a different behavior in your applications, although you didn't deploy any new code? I know I have. Use the Azure Application Change Analysis to learn all about it!
Recent comments
While JSON doesn't support comments, comments work in that json file. I prefix them with //
Using appsettings.json instead of web.config in .NET Core projects · 1 month ago
Nice one, was helpful :)
Enable thorough monitoring with Azure Monitor for you Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) cluster · 3 months ago
Hi Tobias, I have noticed that the secure score over time graph does not take into account the last record recorded per...
Track your Azure Secure Score over time · 5 months ago
Pipeline update with the nuget.config worked for me .
Fixing the NuGet 401 Unauthorized issues from private repositories · 5 months ago
(This is an older post I realize) but the Az Powershell module has (as you would expect),
Generate Bicep templates from existing Azure resources with VS Code · 6 months ago
hey, thanks for the gif demo, ur fast as fuck
Developing with Azure Resources - Check out Azure Resource Explorer · 6 months ago