SP 2010: How To - Relational lists in SharePoint 2010 Paid Members Public
One of the new cool things in SharePoint 2010 is the fact that we now have relational lists. In my previous article about List Joins [/archive/2010/01/04/sp-2010-list-joins-amp-spquery-enchancements.aspx], I talked about how you programmatically can fetch and join information from more than one list with the improved
SP 2010: How To - Event Receivers and Custom Error Pages Paid Members Public
SharePoint 2007 Many of you are aware that in SharePoint 2007, you can create Event Receivers (aka. Event Handlers) to take care of things for you when specific things happen. For example, you can subscribe to the ItemAdded event for a specific list, and have your custom code execute when
SP 2010: List Joins & SPQuery enchancements! Paid Members Public
As per request by some of my readers who wanted information about how you can query SharePoint lists using joins in SharePoint 2010, here’s an introduction! With the introduction of relational lists in SharePoint 2010, they also introduced a new set of investments in how we can interact with
SP 2010: Getting started with the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010 Paid Members Public
In this article I will talk about how you can get started with using the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010. This new object model is introduced in SharePoint Foundation 2010, and does not require SharePoint Server 2010 to be installed. The Client Object Model is a new object model
SharePoint Saturday Copenhagen – Code samples Paid Members Public
After SharePoint Saturday in Copenhagen a while back I promised to upload my code-samples from my demos. Being a bit busy the last few days, it’s been taking a bit longer than expected. I’ve been looking through the evaluation forms from the event, and wow – thank you for
SharePoint Books: Recommended Reading Paid Members Public
Most things can be found online today, but sometimes you just can’t get around the fact that a well written book is great to have around. Development Being a developer, of course most of my recommended books are around the topic of SharePoint development. Here goes my personal favorites:
TOZIT SharePoint Discussion Forum solution for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 released today! Paid Members Public
I started a project about 2 years ago with the aim of improving the discussion functionalities that comes out of the box with WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007. Since it was a spare-time project back then, I didn’t really have enough time to finish it off. The last
SPTraceView - Easy overview of the SharePoint logs (ULS logs) Paid Members Public
If you are a SharePoint developer, you often need to dig into the logs in the 12-hive in order to find out why things are behaving the way they are. You and me both know that this can be a pain in the buttocks if you don’t have an
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