Application Insights

Upgrade Application Insights to Workspace-based Resource Mode from Classic Members Public

Recently, Microsoft introduced a new option when creating Application Insight instances. A selection to help us choose between the Classic approach, or the modern Workspace-based mode. In the Azure Portal, it can look like this when we create a new Application Insights today: Select the Resource Mode of Application insights

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureApplication Insights

Use Application Insights for Worker Service applications in .NET Core console apps, containers, and any non-HTTP apps Members Public

Relying on Application Insights [] to provide great data has always been a core component of anything I create. Recently, I upgraded my projects to .NET Core 3.1 [], and in few cases I

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureApplication Insights.NET

Send health pings from your Azure Function applications to ensure Scheduled triggers work as expected Members Public

Sometimes the Scheduled trigger for Azure Functions does not fire, and we'll need to ensure we can monitor our systems accordingly to keep track of, and troubleshoot when this happens. In this post I'll walk through the required steps for two various monitoring options using Application Insights.

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureAzure FunctionsApplication Insights

Retrieve logs from Application Insights programmatically with .NET Core (C#) Members Public

When working with Azure's Application Insights, there's some times where I would've wanted to quickly and programmatically export specific events, search the logs or otherwise pull some data out based on dynamic metrics of applications or monitoring solutions I've set up. In

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureApplication Insights.NET
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