.NET Core

Building and running a .NET Core application in a Docker Swarm in Azure, via Docker Cloud Paid Members Public
Introduction In this article I'll walk you through how to set up a Docker Swarm in Azure through the Docker Cloud service. There's plenty of places to host your docker containers, in this post I'm covering the Docker Cloud option with the Swarm Mode

Azure Storage REST API: Authenticate with C# Paid Members Public
In one of my projects where I've been refactoring a traditional .NET project into a .NET Core project, I used the Azure Storage [https://www.nuget.org/packages/WindowsAzure.Storage/] nugets. As of this posting, the current version of the NuGet supports .NET Core which is awesome -

Using appsettings.json instead of web.config in .NET Core projects Paid Members Public
Recently I was in a discussion with an acquaintance about transforming their projects into .NET Core from their full .NET applications. Some of these apps have a few core helpers, including the very common requirement to read from config files. Most notably it's the web.config or app.
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