Secure your Azure Storage Accounts with restrictions based on public IP addresses Paid Members Public
Hosting data in the cloud is easy. Click, click and done - you're ready to go and put all of your sensitive information in the cloud. But, don't forget about securing that data. In recent years, data breaches have become something of a phrase you see

Fixing issue related to Package is not compatible with netcoreapp2.1, supports netstandard2.0, when using Azure DevOps (VSTS) Paid Members Public
If you're using Azure DevOps [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-azure-devops/] (also known as VSTS), and you work with dotnet core in any capacity, perhaps you're migrating from one version to the next - as I was for some of my projects. An error that
What's new in SharePoint Online, Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Server 2019 Paid Members Public
This week, the big event of the year is happening in the SharePoint space. SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas. During a couple of days from May 21 to May 23, Microsoft and some world-class speakers are announcing exciting news and features that are happening in the SharePoint space. This blog

Azure Tip: Installing and using the Azure CLI in Visual Studio Code Paid Members Public
Install and use the Azure CLI in Visual Studio Code. Stay in the context of the Editor, and work smarter!

Azure Tip: Running the Azure CLI using Bash on Ubuntu, in Windows 10 Paid Members Public
I recently got a question about how to use the Bash [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell)] CLI instead of the Windows-based CMD experience, but remaining in Windows and not have to set up virtual machines or other computers. The Azure team is doing an awesome job in

Azure Tip: List of supported VM Sizes in Azure Container Services (AKS) Paid Members Public
Here comes a short tip of the day post about AKS. A common ask from people in the community and end customers using the Azure Container Services is to know what VM-sizes are supported by AKS. Not all services and regions offer support for all sizes, and sometimes it'

Monitoring your Kubernetes cluster running on Azure Container Service (AKS) using Log Analytics Paid Members Public
> UPDATE AUTUMN 2018: Microsoft recently released a Preview of Azure Monitor integration with AKS. Read more about how to enable it here: https://zimmergren.net/enable-monitoring-with-azure-monitor-log-analytics-for-aks/ > OBSOLETE: Please note, as the previous comment and link above suggest, the information here is now obsolete since it was written during

Azure Container Services (AKS) - Upgrading your Kubernetes cluster Paid Members Public
Updated 2018-03-23: With the latest version of the CLI the get-versions command has been replaced with get-upgrades in regards to seeing what upgrades are available. Thanks to my buddy Thorsten for the heads up. The details below has been updated to accommodate these changes. While working a lot with AKS
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