Rencore Tech Talks - Episode 004 - SharePoint 2016 and the BI workloads with John White Paid Members Public
In this episode I'm having a fun chat with John P. White about the BI workloads in SharePoint 2016. Check it out! Episode Guest, John P. White John P White is the Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder of UnlimitedViz, the makers of tyGraph. He holds a Master’s

Rencore Tech Talks - Episode 003 - Trevor Seward on Feature Pack 1 for SharePoint 2016 Paid Members Public
I'm happy to announce the third episode of Rencore Tech Talks. I caught up at the Global MVP Summit back in November with Trevor Seward and discussed some of his favorite things with Feature Pack 1 for SharePoint 2016. Check it out. Episode Guest, Trevor Seward Trevor Seward

Rencore Tech Talks - Episode 002 - Sahil Malik on Cross Platform Development in the Enterprise Paid Members Public
I'm happy to announce the second episode of Rencore Tech Talks. In these shows I'll be touching base with industry experts, the broader community and various companies in the sector. Episode Guest, Sahil Malik Joining me in this episode is Sahil Malik [https://twitter.com/@sahilmalik]

Rencore Tech Talks - Episode 001 - Talking with Maarten Eekels about News in Office 365 Groups Paid Members Public
I'm happy to announce the first episode of a series called Rencore Tech Talks. In these shows I'll be touching base with industry experts, the broader community and various companies in the sector. The first episode is finally published, so check it out and follow the

Getting the instance id of a running Azure Function with ExecutionContext.InvocationId Paid Members Public
Recently I had a discussion about Azure Functions, the pros and cons, and running multiple instances of batch processing simultaneously. One of the immediate questions that came up in that discussion was; In the built-in logs you see in the streaming log service or in the log console, how do

Reuse your C# Script (csx) code in multiple Azure Functions Paid Members Public
Azure Functions hit GA (General Availability) recently [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-general-availability-of-azure-functions/] . A big milestone for the Azure Functions team, and I'm happy to see that it's finally out of Preview. Lately I've been working a lot with various parts of Azure

Azure Storage REST API: Authenticate with C# Paid Members Public
In one of my projects where I've been refactoring a traditional .NET project into a .NET Core project, I used the Azure Storage [https://www.nuget.org/packages/WindowsAzure.Storage/] nugets. As of this posting, the current version of the NuGet supports .NET Core which is awesome -

Using appsettings.json instead of web.config in .NET Core projects Paid Members Public
Recently I was in a discussion with an acquaintance about transforming their projects into .NET Core from their full .NET applications. Some of these apps have a few core helpers, including the very common requirement to read from config files. Most notably it's the web.config or app.
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