In this category you'll mostly find content related to Software Development in the Microsoft space. Azure development, SharePoint development, .NET, and more.

SP 2010: Custom RSS provider for your Business Connectivity Services (BCS) connected External Lists Paid Members Public
If you’ve been working with BCS and external lists you may have noticed that there’s no RSS feeds enabled for those lists. So to get around this problem I’ve created a custom RSS feed generator that essentially provides you with an RSS/ATOM feed for you so
SP 2010: Uploading files using the Client OM in SharePoint 2010 Paid Members Public
In this article I will guide your through the process of uploading a document to any chosen document library in SharePoint 2010 through the Client Object Model. This application has a very simple usage scenario: 1. Type in the URL to your site where you want to upload your file

SP 2010: How to create a PowerShell Snapin Cmdlet - Part 2 Paid Members Public
In my previous article (How to create a PowerShell Snapin – Part 1 []) I talked about the general approach to create a custom PowerShell Cmdlet. However, in Part 1 I did not talk about how you create SharePoint 2010 specific Cmdlets. That’s what this article is

SP 2010: How to create a PowerShell Snapin - Part 1 Paid Members Public
In this article I will talk about how you can get started with creating custom PowerShell [] commands for SharePoint 2010 [] that you can use. You will see how easy it actually is to build a custom

SP 2010: Validate Sandboxed Solutions using SPSolutionValidator Paid Members Public
If you’ve been playing around with SharePoint 2010 lately, you’ve most likely noticed a new concept introduced as "Sandbox Solutions []". With sandboxed solutions (read more about them here:

SP 2010: How To - Event Receivers and Custom Error Pages Paid Members Public
SharePoint 2007 Many of you are aware that in SharePoint 2007, you can create Event Receivers (aka. Event Handlers) to take care of things for you when specific things happen. For example, you can subscribe to the ItemAdded event for a specific list, and have your custom code execute when
SP 2010: Getting started with the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010 Paid Members Public
In this article I will talk about how you can get started with using the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010. This new object model is introduced in SharePoint Foundation 2010, and does not require SharePoint Server 2010 to be installed. The Client Object Model is a new object model
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