
I'm co-hosting the Ctrl+Alt+Azure Podcast, and all episodes are rolled up here. Enjoy!

Episode 097 - Durable Functions with Marc Duiker Members Public

We have a guest appearance for this episode with Marc Duiker (Lead Consultant at Xpirit and Azure MVP). We talk about Azure Durable Functions, how they differ from Azure Functions, and what the different patterns and types are. Also, Marc gets an unexpected question. Show notes About Marc: Marc is

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 096 - Moving towards a cloud-only architecture Members Public

Show notes Join us in this episode, where we discuss the numerous aspects of moving towards a cloud-only architecture. Having a more lightweight approach to on-premises is often something that companies are focusing on, so we take a look at the relevant aspects such as file shares, legacy apps, Active

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 095 - Azure Updates Members Public

We take our frequent look at Azure Updates - what's new, what was announced, what's interesting? In this week's updates, we have plenty for developers, IT Pros, and on security. Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected question. Show notes * GitHub Codespaces [https://github.com/

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 094 - Your PC in the cloud with Windows 365 Members Public

We take a look at Windows 365 - the Cloud PC service. It was announced during Inspire, and now it's available. What is it, why do you need it, and how much does it cost to use? Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question. Show notes * Windows 365

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 093 - Forgetting your passwords with passwordless Members Public

Everyone loves passwords. Especially, when you have a lot of them. In this episode, we take a look at passwordless - how does it work, why not just use MFA, and what the use cases and scenarios are. It isn't too complex, but you have plenty of options

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 092 - What's up with Application Insights Members Public

We take a fresh look at Azure Application Insights. It's been a while since we've checked what's new with this fantastic service - and today, we talk about the latest updates, and how they can best be used! Also, Tobi asks Jussi an unexpected

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 091 - Azure Updates Members Public

We take our frequent look at Azure Updates - what's new, what was announced, what's interesting? In this week's updates, we have plenty for developers, IT Pros, and on security. Also, Jussi asks Tobi an unexpected question and gets an unexpected but super insightful

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Episode 090 - Managing virtual machines with Azure Automanage Members Public

Join us this week for an episode on Azure Automanage. It's a service - currently in preview - for automatically configuring and managing your VMs according to best practices. But which best practices? We take a look at Azure Automanage settings, the configuration changes, and how it might

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
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