Collab365 Solutions Days: My session about SPCAF and SharePoint & Office 365 Transformation Guidance Members Public

If you missed my session on the Collab365 Solutions Days the other day, you can find it on-demand on their website now. [] SharePoint & Office 365 Code Quality Analysis & Transformation Guidance This session is split in two phases. The first half is discussing the

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Developing with Azure Resource Manager - Part 3 - Build an application using C# which is using the Azure Resource Manager API's Members Public

This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureAzure Resource Manager

Developing with Azure Resource Manager - Part 2 - Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell cmdlets Members Public

This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
Windows AzureAzure Resource Manager

Developing with Azure Resource Manager - Part 1 - Creating a Service Principal for your AAD using PowerShell Members Public

This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series [] * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell cmdlets [

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
AzureAzure Resource Manager

Developing with Azure Resource Manager - Introduction to blog series Members Public

This article is part of a series. Here's a list of all available parts. * Part 0: Introduction to the article series * Part 1: Create an AzureRm Active Directory (AAD) Application using PowerShell [] * Part 2: Getting started with the AzureRm PowerShell cmdlets [

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Automating Software Installations with Boxstarter and Chocolatey Members Public

If there's something I really dislike in my software development routines, it's installing the actual software I use to develop. You know what I mean - you don't want to install Visual Studio and wait for that only to realize that as soon as

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Dev tip: Use Requestbin for easy analysis and debugging when developing your webhooks, connectors, API's and applications Members Public

Lately there’s been an explosion on popularity of webhooks [] and integration with various services I’m using. It’s a great way to develop integration points for services, and we can see this with Office 365 Groups and their Connectors [https://dev.outlook.

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren

Creating an ASP.NET 5 site with Visual Studio Code - Part 3: Adding npm packages and automating tasks with Gulp (adding Office UI Fabric) Members Public

ASP.NET 5 introductory article series navigation: * Part 1: Ensure installation of pre-requisites [] * Part 2: Create your Visual Studio Code project using Yeoman [] * Part 3: Adding npm packages and automatic tasks with Gulp – adding O

Tobias Zimmergren
Tobias Zimmergren
Visual Studio Code.NETASP.NET
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